SpectNet IDE

Visual Studio 2017/2019 integrated ZX Spectrum IDE for the Community

Scripting » Scripting the Z80 CPU

The CpuZ80 class

This class represents the Z80 CPU of a Spectrum virtual machine. Using this class you can get and set the value of each register, register pair, flag, and other state holders. The class also provides a few contol methods and events that are raised at different stages of the CPU’s execution cycle.

Namespace: Spect.Net.SpectrumEmu.Scripting
Assembly: Spect.Net.SpectrumEmu

public sealed class CpuZ80

Register properties

The class has separate properties for all 8-bit registers and 16-bit register pairs of the CPU. An 8-bit register’s value is represented with a System.Byte, while a 16-bit register pair’s value with a System.UInt16 instance.

8-bit registers

Name Description
A Accummulator
B Register B
C Register C
D Register D
E Register E
H Register H
L Register L
F Flags register
I Interrupt Page Address Register
R Memory Refresh Register
XH Higher 8 bits of the IX index register
XL Lower 8 bits of the IX index register
YH Higher 8 bits of the IY index register
YL Lower 8 bits of the IY index register
WZh Higher 8 bits of the internal WZ register
WZl Lower 8 bits of the internal WZ register

16-bit register pairs

Name Description
AF Register pair AF
BC Register pair BC
DE Register pair DE
HL Register pair HL
_AF_ Register pair AF’
_BC_ Register pair BC’
_DE_ Register pair DE’
_HL_ Register pair HL’
PC Program Counter Register
SP Stack Pointer Register
IR I/R 8-bit registers as a register pair
IX Index register IX
IY Index register IY
WZ The internal WZ register

Z80 CPU flags

With these properties, you can query the individual flags of the F register. These properties retrieve a System.Boolean value.

Name Description
SFlag S (Sign) Flag
ZFlag Z (Zero) Flag
R5Flag R5 Flag, Bit 5 of the F register
HFlag H (Half Carry) Flag
R3Flag R3 Flag, Bit 3 of the F register
PVFlag P/V (Parity/Overflow) Flag
NFlag N (Add/Subtract) Flag
CFlag C (Carry) Flag

CPU state properties

There are various properties that indicate the internal state of the CPU


public long Tacts { get; }

Gets the current T-state tacts of the CPU — the clock cycles since the CPU was powered on/reset last time


public bool IFF1 { get; }

Interrupt Enable Flip-Flop #1. Disables interrupts from being accepted.


public bool IFF2 { get; }

Interrupt Enable Flip-Flop #2. Temporary storage location for IFF1.


public byte InterruptMode { get; }

Gets the current Interrupt mode (IM 0, IM 1, or IM 2)


public bool IsInterruptBlocked { get; }

Indicates that the CPU internally blocks the interrupts, even if the maskable interrupt is enabled. When the CPU is within processing a multi-byte statement, this flag is set.


public bool IsInOpExecution { get; }

Indicates that the CPU still needs to read more bytes to decode a multi-byte operation.


public bool MaskableInterruptModeEntered { get; }

Indicates that the instructions the CPU is executing are the part of the maskable interrupt method.

Control methods

The CpuZ80 class provides a few control operation that you can use in the scripts.


public void Reset()

Issues a Reset (RST) signal to the CPU.


public void DisableInterrupt()

Disables the maskable interrupt.


public void EnableInterrupt()

Enables the maskable interrupt.

Operation tracking

The CpuZ80 class allows you to track the addresses the CPU executes an operation for.

public AddressTrackingState OperationTrackingState { get; }

The OperationTrackingState property’s value is an AddressTrackingState instance. It provides a bit for each memory address in the #0000-#FFFF range to check if the particular byte in the memory has been read as a part of CPU’s M1 machine cycle.

public void ResetOperationTracking()

The ResetOperationTracking() method resets the OperationTrackingState property as if no operations had been executed.

The following sampe demonstrates how you can use these members of CpuZ80 to check which instructions have been executed. (This code snippet is an extract for a unit test of SpectNetIde.)

public async Task OperationTrackingWorks()
    // --- Arrange
    var sm = SpectrumVmFactory.CreateSpectrum48Pal();
    await sm.CompletionTask;
    var pcBefore = sm.Cpu.PC;

    // --- Act
    await sm.CompletionTask;
    var pcAfter = sm.Cpu.PC;

    // --- Assert
    sm.Cpu.OperationTrackingState.TouchedAny(0x0000, 0x11CA).ShouldBeFalse();
    sm.Cpu.OperationTrackingState.TouchedAny(0x11CE, 0xFFFF).ShouldBeFalse();

Z80 CPU events

The CpuZ80 class provides about a dozen events that you can use in script.


public event EventHandler InterruptExecuting

This event is raised just before a maskable interrupt is about to execute.


public event EventHandler NmiExecuting

This event is raised just before a non-maskable interrupt is about to execute.


public event EventHandler<AddressEventArgs> MemoryReading

This event is raised just before the memory is being read. The event argument (AddressEventArgs) has a property, Address that tells the memory address going to be read.

public ushort Address { get; }

When this operation is being executed, the contents of the memory has not been read yet.


public event EventHandler<AddressAndDataEventArgs> MemoryRead

This event is raised right after the memory has been read. The event argument (AddressAndDataEventArgs) contains these properties:

public ushort Address { get; }
public byte Data { get; }

The Address keeps the address read, Data holds the data byte resulted from the read operation.


public event EventHandler<AddressAndDataEventArgs> MemoryWriting

This event is raised just before the memory is being written. The Address and Data properties of the event argument (AddressAndDataEventArgs) contain the memory address, and the data byte to write, respectively.


public event EventHandler<AddressAndDataEventArgs> MemoryWritten

This event is raised just after the memory has been written. The Address and Data properties of the event argument (AddressAndDataEventArgs) contain the memory address, and the data byte written, respectively.


public event EventHandler<AddressEventArgs> PortReading

This event is raised just before a port is being read. The event argument (AddressEventArgs) has a property, Address that tells the port address going to be read.

public ushort Address { get; }

When this operation is being executed, the port has not been read yet.


public event EventHandler<AddressAndDataEventArgs> PortRead

This event is raised just after a port has been read. The event argument (AddressAndDataEventArgs) contains these properties:

public ushort Address { get; }
public byte Data { get; }

The Address keeps the address of the port read, Data holds the data byte resulted from the read operation.


public event EventHandler<AddressAndDataEventArgs> PortWriting

This event is raised just before a port is being written. The Address and Data properties of the event argument (AddressAndDataEventArgs) contain the port address, and the data byte to write, respectively.


public event EventHandler<AddressAndDataEventArgs> PortWritten

This event is raised just after a port has been written. The Address and Data properties of the event argument (AddressAndDataEventArgs) contain the port address, and the data byte written, respectively.


public event EventHandler<Z80InstructionExecutionEventArgs> OperationExecuting

This event is raised just before a Z80 operation is being executed. The event arguments instance (Z80InstructionExecutionEventArgs) provides properties you can check the operation being executed.

When this event is raised, the CPU might not have read all operation code bytes, just those one that are enough to decode the type of operation to execute. If the operation contains arguments that are part of the operation code, those are not yet read.
For example when this event is signed, the opcode part for #80 LD A,#80, or the #23 opcode part of LD (IX+#23),C operation is not read.


public event EventHandler<Z80InstructionExecutionEventArgs> OperationExecuted

This event is raised just after a Z80 operation has been executed. The event arguments instance (Z80InstructionExecutionEventArgs) provides properties you can check the operation executed.

When this event is raised, the full operation is already read.

OperationExecuting and OperationExecuted sample

To demonstrate the difference between these events, the following sample code snippets (extracts from SpectNetIde unit tests) provide more details.

public async Task OperationExecutingIsInvoked()
    // --- Arrange
    var sm = SpectrumVmFactory.CreateSpectrum48Pal();
    sm.CachedVmStateFolder = STATE_FOLDER;
    await sm.StartAndRunToMain(true);
    var events = new List<Z80InstructionExecutionEventArgs>();

    // --- Act
    var entryAddress = sm.InjectCode(@"
        .org #8000
        di;              8000: No prefix
        bit 3,a;         8001: CB prefix
        ld a,(ix+2);     8003: DD prefix
        ld a,(iy+6);     8006: FD prefix
        bit 2,(ix+2);    8009: DD CB prefixes
        bit 2,(iy+6);    800D: FD CB prefixes
        in d,(c);        8011: ED prefix
    sm.Cpu.OperationExecuting += (s, e) => { events.Add(e); };
    await sm.CompletionTask;

    // --- Assert
    var sampleIndex = events.Count - 1 - 7; // -1 for the RET operation, -7 for the 7 operations
    var op = events[sampleIndex];
    op.Instruction.SequenceEqual(new byte[] { 0xF3 }).ShouldBeTrue();

    op = events[sampleIndex + 1];
    op.Instruction.SequenceEqual(new byte []{ 0xCB, 0x5F}).ShouldBeTrue();

    op = events[sampleIndex + 2];
    op.Instruction.SequenceEqual(new byte[] { 0xDD, 0x7E }).ShouldBeTrue();

    op = events[sampleIndex + 3];
    op.Instruction.SequenceEqual(new byte[] { 0xFD, 0x7E }).ShouldBeTrue();

    op = events[sampleIndex + 4];
    op.Instruction.SequenceEqual(new byte[] { 0xDD, 0xCB, 0x56 }).ShouldBeTrue();

    op = events[sampleIndex + 5];
    op.Instruction.SequenceEqual(new byte[] { 0xFD, 0xCB, 0x56 }).ShouldBeTrue();

    op = events[sampleIndex + 6];
    op.Instruction.SequenceEqual(new byte[] { 0xED, 0x50 }).ShouldBeTrue();

You can check that the Instruction property is tested against the partial opcode.

public async Task OperationExecutedIsInvoked()
    // --- Arrange
    var sm = SpectrumVmFactory.CreateSpectrum48Pal();
    sm.CachedVmStateFolder = STATE_FOLDER;
    await sm.StartAndRunToMain(true);
    var events = new List<Z80InstructionExecutionEventArgs>();

    // --- Act
    var entryAddress = sm.InjectCode(@"
        .org #8000
        di;              8000: No prefix
        bit 3,a;         8001: CB prefix
        ld a,(ix+2);     8003: DD prefix
        ld a,(iy+6);     8006: FD prefix
        bit 2,(ix+2);    8009: DD CB prefixes
        bit 2,(iy+6);    800D: FD CB prefixes
        in d,(c);        8011: ED prefix
    sm.Cpu.OperationExecuted += (s, e) => { events.Add(e); };
            await sm.CompletionTask;

    // --- Assert
    var sampleIndex = events.Count - 1 - 7; 
        // -1 for the RET operation, -7 for the 7 operations
    var op = events[sampleIndex];
    op.Instruction.SequenceEqual(new byte[] { 0xF3 }).ShouldBeTrue();

    op = events[sampleIndex + 1];
    op.Instruction.SequenceEqual(new byte[] { 0xCB, 0x5F }).ShouldBeTrue();

    op = events[sampleIndex + 2];
    op.Instruction.SequenceEqual(new byte[] { 0xDD, 0x7E, 0x02}).ShouldBeTrue();

    op = events[sampleIndex + 3];
    op.Instruction.SequenceEqual(new byte[] { 0xFD, 0x7E, 0x06 }).ShouldBeTrue();

    op = events[sampleIndex + 4];
    op.Instruction.SequenceEqual(new byte[] { 0xDD, 0xCB, 0x56, 0x02 }).ShouldBeTrue();

    op = events[sampleIndex + 5];
    op.Instruction.SequenceEqual(new byte[] { 0xFD, 0xCB, 0x56, 0x06 }).ShouldBeTrue();

    op = events[sampleIndex + 6];
    op.Instruction.SequenceEqual(new byte[] { 0xED, 0x50 }).ShouldBeTrue();

Here, the Instruction property is checked against the entire opcode.

The AddressTrackingState class

This class represents tracking information regarding memory. The scripting engine (SpectrumVm and CpuZ80 classes) use this type to track operation execution, memory reads and memory writes.

This class stores a flag for each memory address in the #0000-#FFFF range. A false value means that the tracking event has not been signed for that particular address. The true value says that the tracking event has happened.

For example, when you start the Spectrum virtual machine, after executing the first instruction (DI), the flag for #0000 is set to true, but all the others remains false.

Namespace: Spect.Net.SpectrumEmu.Scripting
Assembly: Spect.Net.SpectrumEmu

public sealed class AddressTrackingState


public bool this[ushort address] { get; }

Gets the status bit of the specified address.

TouchedAll(ushort, ushort)

public bool TouchedAll(ushort startAddr, ushort endAddr)

Checks if all tracking flag is set between startAddr and endAddr. Both addresses are inclusive. Returns true, if all flag is set; otherwise, false.

TouchedAny(ushort, ushort)

public bool TouchedAny(ushort startAddr, ushort endAddr)

Checks if any tracking flag is set between startAddr and endAddr at all. Both addresses are inclusive. Returns true, if any of the flags is set; otherwise, false.

The Z80InstructionExecutionEventArgs class

This class provides event arguments the the OperationExecuting and OperationExecuted events of the CpuZ80 class.


public ushort PcBefore { get; }

The value of PC before the execution.


public IList<byte> Instruction { get; }

The opcode bytes available at the time of event. For example, if the operation is LD A,(IX+2), this list contains #DD and #7E for the OperationExecuting event, but #DD, #7E, and #02 for the OperationExecuted event.


public byte OpCode { get; }

The main operation code. For example, if the operation is LD A,(IX+2), this value is #7E from the entire operation opcode (#DD #7E #02).


public ushort? PcAfter { get; }

The value of PC after the operation has been executed. It is null during OerationExecuting.